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The Choice marketing agency

Kreiramo sadržaj koji vaš brend zaslužuje. Vrhunska video produkcija, nezaboravne
reklame, viralan influenser video marketing, neodoljiv sadržaj za društvene mreže.
Sve što je potrebno da vaš brend brže raste!

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The Choice marketing agency

Kreiramo sadržaj koji vaš brend zaslužuje. Vrhunska video produkcija, nezaboravne
reklame, viralan influenser video marketing, neodoljiv sadržaj za društvene mreže.
Sve što je potrebno da vaš brend brže raste!

Kampanje koje su osvojile
srca publike

Naša marketing agencija je specijalizovana za marketing u food industriji.
Pomogli smo brojnim brendovima kao što je vaš da realizuju sjajne kampanje, kroz
profesionalnu video produkciju i kreiranje fantastičnog sadržaja

Kampanje koje su
osvojile srca publike

Naša marketing agencija je specijalizovana za marketing u food industriji.
Pomogli smo brojnim brendovima kao što je vaš da realizuju sjajne kampanje, kroz
profesionalnu video produkciju i kreiranje fantastičnog sadržaja

Bosch Home – Homemade Campaign

Filming for Bosch Home Serbia with the goal of promoting small household appliances as “super helpers” in the kitchen for preparing the New Year’s festive table. A total of 4 shows were recorded and published on the official YouTube channel “Bosch Home Serbia”. For promotion purposes, YouTube pre-rolls were made for each individual show lasting up to 15 seconds. For promotion on social media networks, we also created Tasty-style videos with recipe preparation, as well as IG Reels and IG Story for each show. Our agency was in charge of scenography, filming, post-production, and photography on the set itself.

Dijamant – Add the spice

“Dodaj Način” is a new product line of the Dijamant company. The goal of this campaign is to show the audience how it is possible to prepare fantastic dishes using great “Dodaj način” products through video recipes. A total of 6 shows were recorded and published on the official website “Dodaj način“ YouTube channel. IG Reel videos were also created for social networks in order to promote all 6 shows on social networks. Our agency was in charge of the video concept idea, recording, styling, post-production, and photography on the set itself.

Stark – Let The Chocolate Do It

Filming for the Easter campaign, with the goal to popularize products through fantastic, simple, and delicious recipes for the festive table. A total of 3 videos were filmed and published on the client’s official YouTube account. We created announcements for social media for all Youtube videos in Reel format. Our agency was in charge of filming, post-production, and photography on the set itself.

Perutnina Ptuj – Commercial

Perutnina Ptuj is a leader in fresh meat and meat products production.
We have filmed a promotional video which aims to attract and retain the attention of viewers, in order to popularize the new product.

Planet of Plants – Event

Planet of Plants is a new brand of the Dijamant company. A live event is an excellent opportunity for consumers to get to know new products, try them, and be informed about their benefits. We recorded a video at the event, which was published on the official YouTube channel “Planet of Plants Serbia”. Our agency was in charge of filming, post-production, and photography at the event itself.

Smash Burger

Smash Burger that leaves nobody indifferent. Tasty and macro shots that will make you easily hungry, but also thirsty. For a full experience, with these juicy frames, audio effects are also necessary and they contribute to the complete audio-visual experience. You are now probably thinking about at least one of your products that can be presented in a great way just like this! When you want to sweat your competitors… We are ready when you are!

Zakažite odmah
besplatne konsultacije

Razgovarajte sa marketing stručnjacima specijalizovanim za farmaceutsku
industriju kako možete unaprediti svoje poslovne rezultate!

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